Success Is A Lifestyle Program
Available as 75-90 minute keynote
Perfect for Graduating Seniors, First Gen Students, First Year Students, Probation Students & Orientation Week
Being a highly successful college student today is no easy task. Less than 40% of them graduate in four years and 30% drop out after their first year. It can be challenging socially, financially, intellectually and emotionally, especially for first generation, low-income college students. Therefore, it’s no surprise that students get lost in the process. The U.S. Census Bureau (2016) reports that only 22% and 15% of Blacks and Latinos (respectively) age 25 and older received a bachelor’s degree or higher in 2015. In addition, the graduation gap between students of color and many of their counterparts is widening. We CAN help prevent this! The key is to make Success a Lifestyle!
This presentation will reveal strategies and principles necessary to create a successful student lifestyle, through storytelling and musical performance. The goal of the Student Success Is A Lifestyle program is to jump-start their success in college, so they get a head start towards building successful careers, and are empowered to achieve the greatest possible results both in school and in life. There will be laughter, music, as well as usable content they can immediately implement to see dramatic results in their academic performance.
Students walk away from this program knowing:
- How to get and stay motivated even when the going gets tough
- The one thing necessary for achievement
- The secret behind improved performance and accomplishing goals
- The most important factor that helps build success
This program includes a personal account of the struggles facing first time college student as well as the possibilities and strategies for overcoming them. Students exposed to this program not only perform well academically, they are motivated to get involved, enthused to create connections, better prepared to face the challenge of college, and more likely to stay in college and graduate.
Self Care Program
Available as 90 - 120 minute Keynote or Full Day Workshop
Perfect for First Year Students, Staff Trainings, Academic Recovery, & mental health awareness programming
According to Penn State’s Center for Collegiate Mental Health (2018):
· Counseling among college students has risen 5 times faster than enrollment
· 28% more resources have been dedicated to meet the need for students
· Rates of “threat to self” among college students have continued to rise
· Students have demonstrated that they are more likely to cite past traumas as having an impact on their current well-being.
This, along with the rise of reported deaths as a result of mental health, widely publicized deaths of celebrities like Chester Bennington, Mac Miller, Anthony Bourdain, and Kate Spade in 2018; and the prevalence of mass shootings and passion crimes within the US, and on college campuses, one can't help but wonder, “How much pain are we carrying? What has pushed us to these extremes? Are we truly taking care of ourselves?! Are we properly tuning into our mental and emotional needs? Do we tend to these needs in healthy ways? Do we even know what these needs are or where they stem from?"
Drawing from an evidence-based approach, the Self Care Program is a motivational presentation accompanied by music, which highlights the importance of exploring our narratives, taking ownership, and acknowledging our need to heal and achieve mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
This program helps combat isolation, stigma, and encourages the use of professional resources and support by:
1. Stimulating self-reflection
2. Creating a safe space for healing
3. Challenging the stigma of mental health
4. Building a sense of community and support so that students understand they are not alone
5. Providing and encouraging engagement in creative arts and outlets
6. Exploring the layers, which affect and shape our mental and emotional health
7. Sparking conversation surrounding holistic well-being and the importance of self-care
8. Creating awareness of services and resources available
9. Empowering attendees to pursue healthy outlets that will improve and strengthen their mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
The Self Care Program in no way, shape, or form is a substitute for professional mental health support; nor does it propose artistic expression as the sole prescription for coping with trauma, mental health, and emotional challenges. If you are in true need of help and support, you are urged to contact a mental health professional, or any of the national support lines listed below. In the event of an emergency or crisis, please dial 911 or contact any of the resources below:
National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
National Crisis Text line: text “NAMI” to 741-741
National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233
The Student Leadership Lifestyle:
Available as keynote or 60 minutes workshop
Perfect for Student Groups & Student Leaders
Leadership roles are a crucial part of developing interpersonal and professional skills for students. In addition, they are essential in fostering an inclusive communal environment on campus. Unfortunately, not everyone is prepared or understands the key to becoming a successful leader and the power of their influence as student leaders. Sometimes, they may also lose the passion and drive they once had when they first began their leadership role.
Attendees walk away from this program learning:
- The number one reason why their role is SO important
- The most important aspect of Successful Student Leadership
- Strategies for developing awesome programs that are well attended and remembered
- How to facilitate fruitful, meaningful, and inclusive collaboration within their team
This program is an interactive presentation, perfect for Student leaders. It is designed to develop their leadership skills and provide them with the tools, knowledge, and resources necessary to better their organization and the campus community. This program calls student leaders to reflect on and revisit their purpose, goals, and programming efforts. We want students to transform in their leadership roles and become exceptional role models and future professionals of the world.
Available as 45 – 60 minute workshop
Perfect for student and professional staff trainings
The sense of touch is a simple, yet powerful form of communication. In a time where touch screen technology has become a part of everyday life, actual human contact and interaction is seen as weird, awkward, and uncomfortable. It doesn't have to be. We often forget how powerful the subtlety of it really is. Research has shown that we can communicate a variety of emotions with it. In addition, positive physical contact has also demonstrated the ability to enhance trust and improve performance. It affects the person on the initiating end, just as much as the person on the receiving end!
Attendees walk away from this program learning:
- The astonishing effects and impact we deliver through the simple act of touch
- The simplest way to boost confidence, improve cooperation, and enhance performance
with students, colleagues, and even family and friends
- How to create more positive interactions, deeper connections, and improved outcomes
- The secret to creating a positive campus-wide, departmental, and communal culture
This interactive program teaches how something as simple as touch (when appropriate of course!) will boost the confidence, improve the mood, enhance the cooperation, and increase the chances of Success for students and colleagues alike. Learn how one simple action can change the cultures on our campuses, within our departments, and among our students. All it takes is a #TouchForSuccess!
Custom Presentations:
Our presentations are customizable to your specific needs. We will have a meeting before hand to learn and
ensure we understand your specific goals and that the presentation is geared toward helping you achieve it!